Tuesday, October 26, 2010


As the sun sets in a view from my hotel terrace on my last night in Istanbul, it now time for my expressions of gratitude for the people who made my trip possible.
For allowing me to visit Istanbul during the school year: Mrs. Pullen, Dr. Watts, and Mrs. Wolcott.
For providing me professional inspirations: my colleagues at Saint Stephen’s, my colleagues in the AP World History community, and my students.
For filling in the gaps in my absence: my wife Heather, my sons, Mr. Zappa, and Mrs. Pommer.
For their hospitality: Recep Cok, the World History Association, the students and professors at Istanbul Sehir University, the staff of the Erguvan Hotel, and the sunny people of Istanbul. 
If any of you are looking for a high quality blog that provided an inspiration for this one, check out greenteamedia.blogspot.com for Christina Pommer’s blog of her trip to Japan two years ago.  It is well worth your visit.   


  1. I had a great time reading your blog! You'll have to share at the all school meeting.

  2. Fascinating, Patrick! We're looking forward to our visit to Istanbul this summer when we visit Michael for the first time. I hope you two were able to meet up. Your blog is terrific!

  3. Your blog was wonderful, and I know that your students were reading, even if they were silent readers. :) Thanks!

  4. Great posts all! I really enjoyed following you (and your cat fetish)

  5. It is interesting to read my hometown in an american's eyes. keep on travelling!
